O P T I M I S I N G H E A L T H & W E L L B E I N G
Together we calibrate the mind, body and energy for states of calm, vitality & joy
Our mind, body and energy are our greatest assets. Through harmonising all three we reveal our natural state of well-being. This state enables us to live in optimum health, and move through life with a sense of calm and flow. Well-being is a practice and an art form, where we become open and grounded in who we are, revealing our authentic selves. This state creates a life of balance, harmony, abundance, joy and freedom.
Stress is the number one cause of disease and chronic illness globally. Stress can be mental, emotional or physical and creates tension and incoherence, disrupting the body’s metabolic functions. This can result in dis-regulation, inflammation and disease. If not addressed, it can lead to a wide range of health conditions such as mental health issues, fatigue, poor digestion including IBS, sleep issues, discomfort or chronic pain, and autoimmune conditions.
To counter this we need to reset, shifting our body from the ‘fight or flight’ state of the sympathetic nervous system to the ‘rest and digest’ state of the parasympathetic nervous system.
It is in peeling back the layers of stress, repressed emotions, blocked energy, trauma, and limiting thoughts and beliefs that we come back to a state of ease and flow, and uncover the extraordinary being within.
Sommer works holistically with the physical, emotional, mental and energetic systems of the body both online and in person. She resides in Auckland, New Zealand.
“Sommer facilitates a safe space where I was able to deeply relax and to reset my nervous system. I highly recommend her work to those needing support in unwinding stress and tension from their body & mind.”
- Martin Gebhardt
“I had a wonderful session here with Sommer. It was a truly tranquil experience and it helped get my system back into balance so that I could function at an optimum level. Sommer showed deep insight into my specific situation and was able to provide the adjustments that were needed. I look forward to further sessions.”
- Richard Potter
Well-being Programmes
Be Well 1:1 Health & Wellbeing Coaching Programme (online or in person)
Together we uncover your natural state of well-being, optimise your health, energy, passion, and purpose through re-calibrating your mind, body and energy. The programme includes eight 1 on 1 holistic well-being consultations (approx 1hr 15min duration)
First we process stress stored in the body and regulate the nervous system. We then go deeper to address the root cause of conditions including processing unresolved emotions. We then identify necessary changes to lifestyle including diet, stress management, sleep and exercise. This programme creates the conditions for transformational and lasting results to your well-being, teaching you the tools and practices to self manage your health and well-being, and provides the support necessary to catalyse change.
8 week health and well-being programme to revolutionise your health and well-being, $799 USD (approximately $1,360 NZD) online or in person (Auckland)
Free Minds Corporate Wellbeing & Mental Fitness Group Programme (online or in person)
Work place training on how to manage stress, optimise health, well-being and energy, cultivate mental fitness, and establish a performance mindset.
Our ability to manage stress and bring our body back to equilibrium is the number one indicator to our health and well-being. Stress impacts our metabolic functions, sleep, digestion, hormones and energy levels.
Our focus and performance is reliant on our ability to find clarity and calm in the midst of chaos and underpressure. This is the training to overcome the biggest issue of our time (stress) and mitigate associated well-being issues such as overwhelm and burnout.
8 week well-being + mental fitness programme, $4,999 USD (approximately $8,500 NZD) in person (Auckland) or online. Note Travel outside Auckland is by negotiation.
Free Minds 1:1 Executive Performance Coaching Programme (online or in person)
The Free Minds 1:1 Executive Performance Coaching Programme employs the 8 week Free Minds Programme Structure that is grounded in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), neuroscience and neurogenesis principles, and applied physiology for stress management.
The programme is delivered through one on one coaching sessions to facilitate trust and accountability and to enable clients bring to life their vision and goals for their career and life. To achieve significant change, we unravel limiting beliefs and reprogramme the subconscious mind to create new pathways forward.
The 8 week 1:1 Executive Coaching for well-being + performance programme, $1,699 USD (approximately $2,899 NZD) for 8 coaching sessions online or in person
4 week 1:1 Executive Coaching for well-being + performance $999 USD (approximately $1,699 NZD) for 4 coaching sessions online or in person (Auckland)
1:1 Holistic Health & Well-being Consultations
Holistic Well-being (online or in person)
Holistic Wellbeing Consultations recalibrate our mind, body and energy using NLP, breathwork, somatics, emotional release therapy, and reiki. Together we transform states of stress, anxiety, overwhelm, grief, fatigue, disassociation, pain, ‘dis-ease’ or depression to states of calm, focus, great energy, clarity, motivation, connection, great relationships, balance, joy and freedom.
It is recommended to have 3 sessions within 1 month to shift the root cause of well-being issues. Please note that to maximize results you may be required to implement short and simple regular practices and/or adjustments to lifestyle in between our consultation sessions. Consultations are designed to be complementary to advice from your medical practitioner. Please always seek medical advice in the first instance and as required.
$99 USD (approximately $165 NZD) for a 1.25 hour standard consultation
$115 USD (approximately $190 NZD) for a 1.5 hour consultation for new clients or those shifting strong emotional or energetic states
$127 USD (approximately $215 NZD) for a 1.75 hour long consultation
$135 USD (approximately $235 NZD for a 2 hour long consultation
NLP Coaching (online or in person)
Together we transform our state of mind to enable greater energy, calm, focus, purpose, performance and well-being. Employing Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) principles, we train the mind to focus on the present moment to enhance cognitive energy and uncover the insights necessary to resolve limiting beliefs and subconscious programming. This process enables a totally different way of perceiving and being in the world, and ultimately leads to a transformation in our identity for more joy and freedom in our lives, an enhanced state of mental well-being, and a healthy relationship to ourselves and others.
Please note that the 8 week Free Minds Transformational NLP programme is recommended for lasting and transformational results, it is also more cost effective per session.
$99 USD (approximately $165 NZD) for a 1.25 hour standard consultation
$115 USD (approximately $185 NZD) for a 1.5 hour long consultation
Reiki (online or in person)
With reiki we optimise the circulation of ‘Qi’ / universal life force energy and oxygen to encourage the healthy flow of energy through the body. This brings your body, mind and spirit to equilibrium. Reiki assists in bringing your nervous system into the parasympathetic mode of 'rest and digest', enabling your body's own healing capacity and the recalibration of your body and mind from stress.
Reiki helps with conditions of the mind and body that indicate you are out of your natural state of well-being state including anxiety, insomnia, pain and fatigue. Reiki sessions will catalyse a deep state of relaxation. Most sessions will leave you feeling light and full of energy as well as relaxed. Some client sessions will be deep healing sessions, which will require adequate rest and hydration for integration after the reiki session.
$75 USD (approximately $125 NZD) for a standard 1 hour in person or online consultation
Get in touch.
Please reach out to me with any queries via email or mobile.
Sommer Lowe: +6429 020 36569
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10am–7pm (GMT+13 time zone)
Saturday - Sunday
12pm–5pm (GMT+13 time zone)
On-line or Point Chevalier, Auckland, NZ