Together we cultivate well-being, balance & authenticity to enhance your energy, confidence, joy & freedom.

Meet Sommer

Sommer believes that well-being is our natural state. As an experienced well-being practitioner, she facilitates the space and insights necessary for clients to reach optimum health. She believes in the potential latent in all of us to live a happy and for filling life and that in actual fact adversity can be the catalyst to uncovering immense joy and freedom. She understands that life can seem a bit ruff sometimes due to our life experiences and associated suffering however she has experienced first hand that ‘the cracks are where the light enters’ (Rumi).

She guides her clients to create the conditions in their lives to thrive. She has witnessed countless accounts of extraordinary changes in health and life circumstances through holistic well-being practices, developing awareness and healing.

Sommer is a Reiki Master, NLP (neuro linguistic programming) practitioner, and meditation, breathwork and qigong teacher. She is the mother of two divine humans who left her corporate career to educate on the impacts of stress on the body and mind and reduce the risk of burnout. She absolutely loves holding space for others to uncover their well-being, joy and freedom also.

The path to wellbeing

The solution lies in teaching the body and mind to recalibrate after stressful periods, and maintaining healthy lifestyle choices.

The majority of illness and chronic conditions are caused by stress and lifestyle. Stress is the response that engages the body’s fight or flight response in our body’s nervous system (the sympathetic nervous system). This enables a quick reaction to a perceived threat. The problem is that in this global fast paced world, we have inadvertently become addicted to stress. Most people are in the stress mode of fight or flight 70% of the time. Due to the pace and pressure we work under, almost everything can be a trigger for the stress response.

The constant stress state is turning our back on our natural state of homeostasis and puts our body into a state of dis-regulation. Over time this has impacts on our metabolic functions, impacting our energy levels, hormones, moods and leading to a plethora of conditions including burnout, anxiety and digestive issues.

The combination of mind+body+energy work enables us to come back to homeostasis, and create the conditions for us to thrive in all areas of our lives. The evidence bases we now have demonstrate the extraordinary health benefits of breathwork and energy work (such as heart-brain coherence - refer to the HeartMAth Institute - their research shows that with simple breathing practices for example, IPG levels go up increasing our immunity and the efficiency of cellular functions thereby optimising our health).

Whilst these practices are simple, they have a powerful effect on our physiology. Coupling them with the processing of stored emotional, physical and mental stress can facilitate extraordinary healing and transformation.


“Sommer is a wonderful practitioner. She offers a calm, safe, and welcoming environment that supports deep healing. I would recommend her to anyone looking for rest, rejuvenation, and a richer and more intimate knowledge of oneself.”

- Tess Newton Palmer

I had the most incredible session with Sommer! I can really feel the difference in my body, even after only one session. The space is very calm and gentle, I felt welcomed from the moment I walked in the door. Feels so special being right beside the beach as well. I can’t wait to come back!

-Beth Sanders


Be Well 1:1 Health & Well Being Coaching Programme (online or in person)

The Be Well 8 week health and well-being programme to revolutionise your health and well-being $1,399 NZD online or in person (Auckland)

Together we uncover your natural state of well-being, optimise your health, energy, passion, and purpose through re-calibrating your mind, body and energy. The programme includes eight 1 on 1 holistic well-being consultations (approx 1hr 15min duration).

This programme creates the conditions for transformational and lasting results to your well-being, teaching you the tools and practices to self manage your health and well-being, and the support necessary to catalyse change.

First we process stress stored in the body and regulate the autonomic nervous system through energy work (reiki), breathing techniques and establishing heart-brain coherence. This enables a state of homeostasis for optimum metabolic functioning. We then go deeper to address the root cause of conditions including processing unresolved emotions. We also identify necessary changes to lifestyle including diet, stress management, sleep and exercise.

We then build awareness and mental fitness through identifying limiting thoughts, beliefs and habits and building the capacity for change. We dive into subconscious reprogramming through NLP to cement new thoughts, behaviours and beliefs where necessary.

1:1 Holistic Health & Well-being Consultations

NLP Coaching (Online or In Person)

$165 NZD for a 1.25 hour standard consultation

$185 NZD for a 1.5 hour longer consultation

Together we transform our state of mind to enable greater energy, calm, focus, purpose, performance and well-being. Employing Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) principles, we train the mind to focus on the present moment to enhance cognitive energy and uncover the insights necessary to resolve limiting beliefs and subconscious programming. This process enables a totally different way of perceiving and being in the world, and ultimately leads to a transformation in our identity for more joy and freedom in our lives, an enhanced state of mental well-being, and a healthy relationship to ourselves and others.

Please note that the 8 week Free Minds Transformational NLP programme is recommended for lasting and transformational results, it is also more cost effective per session.

Holistic Well-being (Online or In Person)

$165 NZD for a 1.25 hour standard consultation

$185 NZD for a 1.5 hour consultation for new clients or those shifting strong emotional or energetic states

$205 NZD for a 1.75 hour long consultation

$225 NZD for a 2 hour long consultation

Holistic Wellbeing Consultations recalibrate our mind, body and energy. Together we transform states of stress, anxiety, overwhelm, grief, fatigue, disassociation, pain, ‘dis-ease’ or depression to states of calm, focus, great energy, clarity, motivation, connection, great relationships, balance, joy and freedom.

It is recommended to have 3 sessions within 1 month to shift the root cause of well-being issues. Please note that to maximize results you may be required to implement short and simple regular practices and/or adjustments to lifestyle in between our consultation sessions. Consultations are designed to be complementary to advice from your medical practitioner. Please always seek medical advice in the first instance and as required.

Reiki and breathwork (Online or In Person)

$125 NZD Standard 1 hour in person or online consultation

With reiki and breathwork, we optimise the circulation of ‘Qi’ / universal life force energy and oxygen to encourage the healthy flow of energy through the body. This brings your body, mind and spirit to equilibrium. Reiki assists in bringing your nervous system into the parasympathetic mode of 'rest and digest', enabling your body's own healing capacity and the recalibration of your body and mind from stress.

Reiki helps with conditions of the mind and body that indicate you are out of your natural state of well-being state including anxiety, insomnia, pain and fatigue. Reiki sessions will catalyse a deep state of relaxation. Most sessions will leave you feeling light and full of energy as well as relaxed. Some client sessions will be deep healing sessions, which will require adequate rest and hydration for integration after the reiki session.


  • Holistic Well-being sessions with Sommer can shift most physical and mental symptoms with an underlying emotional or energetic root cause. Fortunately this means we are able to work through the majority of health and wellbeing issues due to underlying stress and/or unprocessed emotion being the root of approximately 8 out of 10 conditions. The holistic well-being approach also shifts mental programming that influences our thoughts, behaviours and actions, and typically results in alleviating symptoms of anxiety, depression and insomnia. 

  • The root cause of most physical and mental issues stem from prolonged stress and unprocessed emotions or trauma that result in blockages, tension, inflammation and ‘dis-ease’. Sommer's holistic well-being practices combine mental, emotional, physical and energetic understanding of the body to address the root cause, and ultimately shift the mental, emotional and energetic conditions underpinning most physical conditions and life situations. Due to the severity or longevity of stress, a lack of emotional processing or support, many operate with a nervous system constantly programed for 'fight, flight or freeze' (in the sympathetic nervous system). Without periods of relaxation and rest and/or feeling safe in our bodies, this leads to states of 'dis-ease', fatigue, mental stress, lack of focus, addictions and attracting unhealthy life situations or interpersonal relationships. Holistic well-being sessions and practices shift us out of the sympathetic nervous system and into the parasympathetic state of 'rest and digest' so that we are able to relax, come back into equilibrium and feel safe in our bodies.

    In addition to stress and emotional issues creating negative impacts on our mental state and cellular function, our lifestyle (including diet and exercise) can exacerbate symptoms also, this is why it is of great importance to address the root cause, and reduce lifestyle stressors or sub-optimum external factors. Whilst many who do want to create change in their lives try to change their habits and lifestyle (such as diet or exercise) using their will power, 90% of our thoughts are pre-programmed making it difficult to enact change without addressing subconscious programming. This is why identifying and shifting our underlying beliefs and programming is also an important component to achieving well-being outcomes. The combination of  resetting our nervous system to reduce the impacts of stress, processing stored emotions and energetic blockages, and changing our subconscious beliefs and thoughts can lead to rapid and transformational results in our well-being and our lives more broadly.

  • Results and time frame depend on a number of factors including the type and complexity of the condition, the resistance of the client to change and release of the underlying contributing emotions, thoughts or behaviours, identifying the root cause of the condition, the commitment of the client to daily practices (suggested minimum 6-20 mins per day depending on life situation and goals), and the number of holistic well-being sessions attended. It is recommended to attend 3 holistic well-being sessions within a one month time period initially for shifting emotional and physical states. Eight holistic well-being sessions are recommended for complex conditions, transformational / lasting changes and shifting mental programming and emotional states (refer to 8 session concessions).

  • Each session is tailored to the individual, however the initial holistic well-being sessions focus on calming the nervous system and mind to alleviate the impacts of stress. The approach involves gathering insights about the underlying root cause to the conditions of your current life experience, and calming the nervous system through a combination of processing emotions, breathwork, energy work (reiki), heart coherence and somatics. We engage in growing awareness of how our mind works and how we can move out of incessant thinking to achieve a state of calm and harmony in our mind and body. We establish a regular practice to maintain nervous system regulation and cultivate awareness and a calm state of mind. We then dive into shifting the underlying programming and beliefs using NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) principles to enable the lifestyle changes that support well-being. We also establish a vision and a supportive framework to establish the mental, emotional and behavioural changes to achieve desired well-being goals and outcomes. 

  • Resetting our nervous system helps us stay in the para-sympathetic or 'rest and digest' state for more sustained periods of time which is our natural state of well-being when we are not stressed. This enables proper metabolic function including natural breathing and blood circulation, cell growth and repair, hormone levels and energy conversion. When we are in our natural state without stress for the majority of the time we create the foundation for sustained health and well-being including healthy sleep patterns, digestion, and energy levels, a stable mood and the ability for our body to heal and our mind to focus. 

  • Neuro-Linguistic Programming helps us to understand our mind, which is to say, it helps us understand how we process energy and information. 90% of our mind is subconscious. 90% of our thoughts are the same as the day before and therefore creates a programme that we run unconsciously.  By coming to understand the nature of our mind and our subconscious programming, we can learn to 'catch and release' repetitive thoughts we no longer wish to think creating the space necessary for new thought patterns. NLP also enables us to glean insights into the beliefs underlying our thoughts, emotions and behaviours that underpin our life situations, this gives us the opportunity to install new beliefs and habits and rewire our programming to align with that which we would love to create for our life.